The purpose of this page is to make available one subjective quality assessment from IRCCyN/IVC.  The experiments were conducted in our lab in normalized conditions.

The goal of the "H.264 watermarking" database is to evaluate the quality of a H.264/CAVLC video watermarking method.
One of the main objectives was to determine is the video suffered any quality loss when watermarkis were embedded (compared to the coding only scenario).


4 input sequences (original color videos) were used, 56 distorted videos were generated with 2 different scenarrios (encoding only or watermarking + encoding) for each video (and each scenario) 6 quantization parameters were used (Qp=24, 28, 32, 36, 40 and 44). The original input  contents were also evaluated for both scenarios (4*2*6+4*2=56).