The purpose of this page is to make available one subjective quality assessment from IRCCyN/IVC. The experiments were conducted in our lab in normalized conditions.


12 original grayscale images were used (from the BOWS-2 contest), 120 distorted images were generated from 5 embedding strengths either in the wavelet domain (DWT) or using the Dual Tree Complex Wavelet transform (DT-CWT).

Subjective evaluations were made at viewing distance of 6 times the screen height using a DSIS (Double Stimulus Impairment Scale) method with 5 categories and 14 observers. Distortions for each processing and each image have been optimised in order to uniformly cover the subjective scale.


Download the IVC-DWT vs DTCWT database (31 MB zip file)
A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, giving all subjective quality scores is included in the above archive.

How to cite the IVC-DWTvsDTCWT database

If you use BibTeX, here's the citation:

title = {DT-CWT versus DWT watermark embedding},
author = {Autrusseau, Florent, and Peter Meerwald
year = {2009},
note = {}

If you don't use BibTeX, use simply:

	Florent Autrusseau, Peter Meerwald
DWT versus DTCWT watermark embedding


This database was used in

Many thanks to Romain Cousseau for his valuable help in setting up the experiment.